Rules and Game Guides


The rules of Battlecry are a living document that creates the framework for the events to play out. Without rules, Battlecry events would just be a meaningless skirmish with no point to actually do anything. Battlecry does rules reviews every six months, with changes coming from both the player suggestions and rules team observations. 

This document is the current rules system ALL chapters operate on.

Sub Faction Leaders

Sub factions are groups within our game. The Leaders of these groups are important role models in our community.

Sub Faction Leaders Requirements and Expectations

Helpful Guides

Want to Create a Character or Start your own Sub Faction?

Markoth is has a rich history and lore, built around our players and their involvement. The Character and Sub Faction creation guide is a great place to start if you want to amplify you Battlecry experience by becoming part of the world of Markoth.

Character and Sub Faction Creation Guide

Have some feedback?

We want to hear from you. If you've got feedback, no matter how insignificant it may be, please tell us. Your ideas and suggestions are the only information we get when deciding the future of the game.

Please fill out and submit this form with your ideas. We encourage you to use your name for the feedback so we can credit the amazing ideas to you.